Ministry Opportunities
Readers and Intercessors
Each Sunday there are three Bible readings which members of the parish read aloud during the services. If you like to read aloud and wish to participate in Sunday worship, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to do so. The readings are chosen well in advance so there is lots of time to practise the reading before the Sunday you are scheduled for. Reading God’s Word in public is an ancient and beautiful ministry.
Youth to Adult readers are welcome.
The Intercessor is the person who says the Prayers of the People during the Sunday worship services. Prayers are written by the intercessor following a fairly standard outline and using one of the resources available. The Prayers of the People are just that, they are our community praying for its own members and for the needs of the church, our country and the world at large. This is a very fulfilling and vital ministry and an integral part of our worship together each week.
Parish Council
The Parish Council is a large body, with representation from many areas of the Parish. There are usually from eighteen to twenty people. Positions include the chair and secretary (both appointed by the corporation), Clergy, Wardens and Deputy Wardens, Synod Representatives including the Alternate, Treasurer, Envelope Secretary and representatives of a variety of parish groups active in the personal, pastoral, spiritual and community (both local and global) outreach components of parish life.
Parish Council meets bi-monthly other than summer. The agenda for the meetings is varied, but always includes a financial report. Other groups also give a report on their particular area of focus within the parish. Members are appointed or elected at our Annual Vestry Meeting.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of dedicated women who prepare the sanctuary and church for all services, including weddings and funerals. They decorate the church for Easter, Harvest and Christmas. The Guild is also responsible for maintaining the sacramental vessels, all linens, Clergy vestments and robes for the Chalice Bearers and Servers. Anyone who would like to participate in the Altar Guild ministry would be warmly welcomed and provided with training.
Chalice Administrators
Chalice Administers assist the Priest in celebrating the Eucharist by offering the chalice of wine to the people. It is a ministry of service and sharing open to all.
Children’s Ministries
Please see Children/Youth Programs. Our church is always looking for volunteers to help us continue with these important programs.
Under the leadership of our music director, Lina Li, our choir presents a variety of seasonal anthems along with hymns (new and old favourites) throughout the year. This enhances our Sunday, 10 a.m. Eucharist service. The choir practices weekly on Sundays from September to June. New voices are always welcome.
Hope Committee
Founded in 2009, the purpose of the Hope Committee is stewardship and awareness, to research grant conditions and other funding opportunities; develop funding plans; complete any grant applications and address budget deficits. A notable success story is the fact that St Michael’s is now fully accessible with automatic doors, non-slip entrance flooring and an accessible washroom. New members and ideas are welcome.
Green Facilitator
Our Green Facilitator is working towards obtaining our silver certification with the Diocese. She is also a member of the Diocese of Niagara Greening Committee. New participants in the greening program are most welcome.
Reception Groups
Parishioners volunteer to prepare refreshments following the Sunday services on a scheduled basis.
Our Reception Committee prepares food and refreshments, sets up, serves and cleans up for Celebration of Life receptions following funerals in the church. Volunteers to make sandwiches and squares and help at the receptions are always welcome.
Milk Bag Mat Weavers
This group meets weekly to weave sleeping mats for children and adults from plastic milk bags. These mats are transported to underdeveloped countries by Canadian Food For Children who use the mats to help with the packing of their transport containers, pushing the mats into the nooks and crannies between the food and other supplies. Bring your scissors and join in the fun on Friday evenings.
Outreach Work in the Community
Time, talent and donations are generously given to actively support such projects as: a Mitten Tree to collect warm hats, scarves and mitts for those in need; Food Focus to collect food for Neighbor to Neighbor and St. Matthew’s House; a collection during the fall and winter of like new winter wear, fund raisers for the PWRDF (Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund) and the Council of the North. There are countless ways to participate in Outreach from home, at the church and in the community.
At St. Michael’s we host a Community Fridge and Pantry on our property, open 24 hours a day for people to donate or take food as they need.
Prayer Group
Three or four people meet weekly to say Morning Prayer (BAS) and to pray for those who are sick or in other need of prayer. The needs are either specific as noted on the prayer request slips available in the Narthex or simply names on the weekly sheet available prior to every service. More people are always welcome to pray.
Seniors Residence Volunteers
On the third Tuesday of each month the Priest and volunteers lead a Eucharistic service with hymns at The Court at Rushdale Retirement Residence.
More volunteers are always welcome for this ministry.
Servers and Sides People
Servers are those who serve at the altar, they assist the Priest during the service in a variety of ways including; carrying the cross or the Gospel book, setting the table (altar) for communion, accepting the bread, wine and offerings from the sides people and ringing the Sanctus bells. It is a wonderful form of servant ministry open to all in the church, youth to adult.
The Sides people carry out a wonderful service of welcome. They greet people at the door, help them with bulletins and finding a seat and collect the offering and carry it to the altar. This is a meaningful and important ministry of welcome in our services.