Activities and Groups

Community Soup Lunch

On the last Thursday of each month from September to April, the Soup Committee, through Outreach sponsors a free soup lunch to parishioners and other individuals in the community. We serve homemade, nutritious soup with rolls, cookies and beverages.  All are welcome to come and share good food and fellowship. Freewill donations accepted.

Mat Weaving Group

On Monday afternoons at 2 pm, a group of volunteers meet in the Fireside Room to create mats out of milk bags. There are many jobs to do, from simply cutting bags, to weaving the mats on large looms.  All done with lots of time for fellowship and socializing! The mats are donated to several agencies for the unhoused in our community and people in other countries.

Hi Lite Group

This is a parish seniors group which meets on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. for Cribbage and Euchre, followed by refreshments. And all with the goal of providing a healthy social atmosphere with fellowship and fun for seniors.  All seniors welcome!  $2.00 per week.

Maintenance Group

A core group provide the knowledge of skill to help maintain the buildings and outside property on an ongoing basis.  Helpers, skilled and unskilled are welcome!


Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall – $3 Admission

Prizes  included.  


Yoga Classes

Offered free of charge to parishioners and community members, classes are held on Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. All are welcome.

The mandate is Healthy Bodies, Healthy Diet and Healthy Planet.

Walking Groups

The St. Michael’s walking group meets every Monday and Thursday morning at Limeridge Mall. It is a good way to exercise and socialize, whether it is for health benefits or to have fun. Anyone is welcome to join in the fun!



Wednesdays at 9:45 am in the Parish Hall – This group meets weekly for a non-structured volleyball game. The game is full of hilarity as well as exercise and also provides social support for one another.  New members are always welcome!  

Alcoholics Anonymous and Al Anon

We are pleased to provide space to a group at St. Michael’s.

12 & 12 Discussion Meeting

Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am


Al Anon


Al Anon Family Group

Sunday evenings at 8:00 p.m

Room Rentals


At this time we do not rent rooms for one time social events.

Community Groups who need space are welcome to contact the church office

at 905-385-0722, or e-mail